Coin Payout Unit Hopper One S11 CC-talk
HopperOne S11, with an efficient belt-driven system, provides high long-lasting performances.
The specific output sensor reading mode provides excellent counting accuracy and protects the sensor against frauds and cheat attempts.
Available in Standard or Reverse version.
Efficient mechanical anti-hollows agitator
Anti-jamming system and clearance auto-reverse device
Available with Aes 256 D.H. and 2048 D.H. encryption protocol (Comma 6A Plus requirements)
Opto-sensor pairs for low- and top-level detection
Sound sliding metal plate for easy mount
Capacity: 1.200 coins
High-performance gear-motor set
Expected lifetime: more than 10M payouts
Interchangeable with other universal hoppers
Libra S11 electronic scale
10p adapter for ccTalk HopperOne S11 [AA-0301]
10p adapter for ccTalk HopperOne S11 + Mini USB [AA-0304]
Sector – Hopper extension
Interface ccTalk, ccTalk AeS 256DH
Speed 240 coins/min
Capacity 1.200 coins
Coins diameter 21 ÷ 31,50 mm, or 16 ÷ 24 mm (upon request)
Coins thickness 2 ÷ 3,4 mm
Operating voltage 24 Vdc /12 Vdc
Max current draw 1 A
Operating current draw 400 mA Stand-by current draw 40 mA
Operating temperature 0°C ÷ 50°C
Humidity 20% ÷ 75%
Weight 2 Kg