Token Validator

Token Validator

Jeton - Token - Wertmarken Annahme mit Jetonprüfer für Automaten, Schranken, Waschsalons, Getränkeautomaten Getränkeautomaten, Autowaschanlagen, Solarium, Casinos, Spielhallen usw

Token acceptor with Frontplate F6

The acceptance inspection of a token is done by the profile of the insertplate at the frontplate. The coin-barrier-coil allows the insertion of a token only, when the device is operable. Because the token validator is made from Duroplast (ABS), it is particularly for outdoor applications manufactured.

Sliding scale prices:
1-2 pc(s) per 39,95 EUR
3-4 pc(s) per 39,35 EUR
5-9 pc(s) per 38,75 EUR
10-24 pc(s) per 38,20 EUR
> 24 pc(s) per 37,60 EUR
39,95 EUR
incl. 20% tax excl. Shipping costs
Show 1 to 4 (from a total of 4 products)
Execution time (seconds): ~2.112512